Surge S32

In pictures

Surge is a startup that is wholly owned by Hero MotoCorp, and it has spent the last few years working on a modular EV platform that it calls the S32.

What makes it unique is that it’s designed to quickly and conveniently convert between a two-wheeler and a three-wheeler.

Essentially, it comprises a rickshaw without a front wheel, into which an e-scooter slots and also acts as the front wheel.

The e-scooter can then also be decoupled and used by itself. Surge claims that the conversion process takes just 3 minutes.

To get it certified for registration, Surge and Hero have worked with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways to create a new registration category for the S32.

The Surge S32 by Hero MotoCorp will enter series production within a year.

Sources say the company sees a modest potential of 10,000 units per annum, and the model may be ready for a market launch by mid-2025.

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