Find Toll charges between two cities! Calculate how many Toll Plazas are on the route! What is the driving time and distance between two cities? Find Toll rates for Car,Bus,Truck and Multi axle vehicles!
Estimated travel time and fuel cost: 6 h 15 min (217 mi) and 1994.19 | Total cost (including fuel): 2629.19 |
Name | Cost |
Paliyekkara, Santhi Nagar - Kuttumuck - Kuttiyal Rd, Kerala | 135 |
Panniyankara, NH544, Kerala | 110 |
Pampampallam Toll Plaza, Salem - Kochi Hwy, Kerala | 80 |
Madukkarai, - Neelambur | 45 |
Kaniyur, Chengapalli-Neelambur Hwy, Tamil Nadu | 120 |
Ivrcl Chengapally Tollways, Vijaymangalmam, Perundurai-Coimbatore Rd, Tamil Nadu | 70 |
Vaiguntham Toll Plaza, Salem - Kochi Hwy, Tamil Nadu | 75 |
Estimated travel time and fuel cost: 7 h 10 min (242 mi) and 2243.18 | Total cost (including fuel): 2673.18 |
Name | Cost |
Paliyekkara, Santhi Nagar - Kuttumuck - Kuttiyal Rd, Kerala | 135 |
Panniyankara, NH544, Kerala | 110 |
Pampampallam Toll Plaza, Salem - Kochi Hwy, Kerala | 80 |
Madukkarai, - Kamachipuram | 45 |
Rasampalayam Plaza, NH 44, Tamil Nadu | 60 |
Plan your journey efficiently with the India Toll Calculator. Easily compare routes and optimize for either cost or time efficiency using precise toll cost estimates.
Plan your journey across India seamlessly with the Toll Calculator. Calculate toll charges, fuel costs, and routes for all vehicle types, including cars, trucks, and buses, on India's national and state highways, toll roads, bridges, and tunnels. With our FasTag and NHAI toll calculator, find the fastest or most cost-effective route for your trip.
Plan your trip for free: Enter start point, destination, vehicle type and payment method. The toll calculator provides a toll breakdown, total toll costs, fuel estimates and- including cash rates and FasTag. Fill the optional fields - mileage, toll tags etc. - to get more accurate results.
That's the estimated cost of fuel for your trip.
You can adjust this calculation based on your specific vehicle's fuel efficiency and the current fuel price. Additionally, you might want to consider factors such as traffic, driving conditions, and any detours that could affect your fuel consumption.